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Turning Darkness
Into Light

The Mission
We strive to empower individuals to overcome adversity, inspire growth, and create opportunity by uniting Oddbawls under one cause.

Like Nobody Else
Develop your passion, define your purpose, and fulfill your heart's desire. Transcend your hardships and grow ever brighter.

Illuminate the Way
We gather influence from all cultures and ethnicities to promote creativity, diversity, and unity. The world is full of possibilities, find what you love and create a value-filled life.

For The Visionaries
Whether it's exploring the possibilities, developing a passion, or expressing a cause,
Oddbawls strive for greatness, walking their own path, defying the odds.




A Community Platform
Define your goals and develop a plan that outlines the specific steps needed to reach them. Regularly measure your progress to make sure you're on track to achieve your goals.
Follow Your Heart

Making Sacrifices
When we choose our purpose, we choose our pain, which often involves effort and toil. Embracing this struggle empowers us to transcend moments of hardship because we know that we’re pursuing something bigger.
Finding Happiness
The sole pursuit of hedonic happiness will lead to an unfulfilling life. The key is to balance enjoying the present moment and striving to achieve an important goal, in spite of the discomfort that it may entail.
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